a few large metal structures

커넥티드에서 스마트 에너지 및 유틸리티 솔루션까지

더 스마트하고 안전하며 친환경적인 에너지 & 유틸리티 산업을 구현합니다.

주요 고객 레퍼런스 비디오

SARP Groupe choose Remote Visual Assistance from ALE

고객 혜택


Digital Age Communications for a smarter Operations Control Centre

당사 블로그 방문

a field worker fixing a power line
에너지 및 공공사업

Communications empower energy and utilities field workers

Real-time solutions on mobiles, with cloud-based apps, aid field service management in minimizing operational risks.

a man wearing headphones and sitting at a desk with multiple monitors
에너지 및 공공사업

A smarter Operations Control Centre for energy and utilities

Next-generation Operations Control Centre (OCC) will enable mission-critical communications to improve safety and efficiency.

a man and a woman wearing hard hats and looking at a machine
에너지 및 공공사업

Trend watch: OT-IT convergence in energy and utilities

Operational and Information technology convergence is changing how energy and utilities manage their business going forward.

지원 문서

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관련 상품

에너지 및 유틸리티를 위한 네트워크, 커뮤니케이션 및 연결 솔루션

브로셔 다운로드
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